We've all (well most of us) heard of this first one, planking. The point is to get into the plank position in crazy places. I actually think that in some cases this requires a bit of skill, but why would you want these skills? Here're some examples.

I'm not gonna lie, I'm pretty into this next craze. Granted, I just heard about it today, but at least this pose is interesting. This is owling. People try to perch like an owl in unusual places. Here, we have Hillary Duff owling on her piano, and some stranger owling on a grocery store cone.

Last, but certainly not least (probably my favorite actually) is leisure diving. The purpose of this one is to try to strike a pose of leisure midair on the way into water. Here are some highlights. I love the reading ones, but that group shot is amazing.

I say cheers to people exploring the ridiculous! If nothing else, at least it's fun!