Wednesday, August 24, 2011

attempting to regulate my temperature

It is that strange time of year when the temperature is always wrong. I wake up and go out to the car and it is a lovely 73. By the time I leave school it's in the mid to high 90s. My classroom is in the low 20s (we believe in AC at both the middle school and GCSU). This temperature makes it impossible to dress like a normal person.

Enter, the art of layering. Everyone has rules for layering, and I have a few that I try to subscribe to in my life.

3 - try not to look like an olsen. you can't pull it off, no matter how hard you try.

2 - always have a hot weather layer on the bottom and go over that, whether it is a tank and jeans, a skirt and a short sleeved shirt, whatever. Throw a cardigan, scarf, etc. on top because you can always throw stuff on top to add warmth and style, but you need to feel good when it's a million degrees outside.

layering for the inbetween weather

1 - always, ALWAYS, add a pop to your layered outfit. Be it a fun moment of color or an interesting twist, give it something fun!

I like to use my leopard flats or a random, bright color.

Cheers to getting to a normal temperature, and for more on layering from people who know a lot more than me, go here:

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