me too, that's why i've returned.
i'm still looking at this list of 30 things as if it is quite daunting, but i've accomplished a few things to check off of the list, so let me tell you about it.
29 - get my master's degree -
well, truth be told, it is not done yet, but the final work is submitted, so now i just wait for grades and a diploma. hopefully. So, that's done(ish). however, in all fairness to the list, i knew that i would finish that one quickly.
26 - stop drinking soda -
i thought this one might be the last, but as of december, i've cut the soda from my life. i've only cheated once, so i think i'm doing pretty wonderfully with that. also, i recommend it to anyone because once your drink options diminish so much, you drink a lot more water, and that's all kinds of good for you, so hooray!
23 - change my sleep schedule -
yeah, not so much yet. i made great gains with this until after the holidays. so, i'm going to go back to doing this. i'm shooting for going to bed on school nights (yeah, i'm an adult who says school nights) before ten. i'll update on this one again soon.
20 - ease up on the profanity -
this one is a work in progress, but there is progress. that's all for now.
15 - have a baby -
well, yeah, the little one debuts sometime around july 30. truth be told though, i knew we were expecting when i put it on the list, so yay! that's easily the biggest news off of the list, so we'll stop our updates there for tonight. check back in soon!
cheers! (though i'm not cheersing with too much that's fun these days!)
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