Monday, September 12, 2011

I need your help!!

Whoa, two blogs in one day. Watch out.

Really though, I need your help. I have an engagement party to go to at the end of the month, and I don't know what to wear.

Early fall can be weird because it might not be coldish, but it might be kind of chilly. Or it could just be stupid hot.

Also, it is a cocktail attire, so there's that too.

Anyway, here are some ideas. Please tell me what you think.

3 - Cityscapes Dress

2 - Lucy Love Dress

1 - a bit simpler.

Please tell me your thoughts in the comments, and feel free to post links to something else you think I should wear.


  1. I vote the Cityscapes dress! I really do love all three, though!

  2. I agree that all 3 are great, but Lucy Love in the middle is my vote!
