anyway, update on the dress situation for the engagement party--i forgot to order one of the dresses, so i had to shop locally. i'd love to show you what i ended up with, but, sadly, i can't find a picture.
oh well. moving on, fall is creeping in with cool mornings and non-sweltering days, and i wanted to make a list of things that i love about fall.
5 - duh, pumpkin lattes.

4 - fall nail color, suggestion #1 - opi - get in the expresso lane

3 - scarves.
i have a scarf drawer. i also wear scarves when it probably is inappropriate, so i'm obviously very happy when fall is here, so it doesn't seem odd.

2 - soup!!
my take on soup is a lot like mine on scarves. i eat soup when it is way to hot too, so when it finally gets cold, i really endulge.

1 - fall tv!
the summer is hard. all of the good shows are on break, and all i have to make myself feel better is bachelor pad and abc family dramas. thank goodness that community, parks and rec, how i met your mother, and big bang theory are back. there are others too, but i got tired of listing awesome shows.

what are your fall loves? let me know in the comments, and maybe i'll fall in love with some new fall fun!
cheers to cooler weather and amazing tv!
Post season baseball and college football!!!! Mmm... fall...