Monday, November 28, 2011

happy cyber music monday!

i told you i'd be back.  you shouldn't have doubted me; i'd never lie to you.

anyway, it's music monday and cyber monday, so that's a lot.

let's begin with the music.  'tis the season to be jolly, and everybody knows jolly equals christmas music.  here're some of my favorites old and new.

5 - Mariah Carey - All I Want for Christmas is You
Don't act like you don't sing like crazy to this.  It's so good.  I do NOT, however, dig the crap remake she did with Justin Bieber, but more on that later...

4 - Faith Hill - Where Are You Christmas?
So good for a new Christmas song.

3 - Bing Crosby - White Christmas
One of my favorites from one of my favorite Christmas movies.

2 -Carrie Underwood - Do You Hear What I Hear?
I love this song.  I just found this rendition, but this is one of my favorite holiday jams.

1 -Justin Bieber & Usher - The Christmas Song
Again, this is a song I love, and this is the newest version.  Also, he managed not to mess up this song like some of his other Christmas jams.  Also, there's a lot of other nonsense after the Bieber/Usher performance.  Feel free to watch or not, but I'm just into the first part.

 So, now cyber monday?  Unfortunately, I don't have access to crazy lists with every deal listed for you, but hear are somethings I do know:

For all the Gap Brands (Gap, Piperlime, Athleta, Old Navy and Banana Republic):  Enter HUGECYBER at check out for 30% off all but Piperlime, and 20% off there.

Melie Bianco - fabulous bags 40% off with the code CYBER40

J Crew Factory Online will be open tomorrow

Loft Online - 40% off everything with the code SHOP40

Lands End Canvas - 30% off plus free shipping with the code DRUMSTICK  Pin: 1121

There are plenty more deals, and this is just what I knew about before Monday, so enjoy your shopping, and cheers!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

sorry guys

it's been awhile.

school is busy.  holidays are busy.  life is busy.

here's the good news.  the christmas season is upon us!

i'm thinking of picking up some holiday crafts this idea to add to our homespun christmas decor.

if you have any ideas, please let me know.

i know this post is quite uneventful, but don't worry.  i'll be back this week with a 30 before 30, music monday, and maybe even more!

oh, and also, this should make you smile:
